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American Campus Communities CEO Rob Palleschi: The Student Housing Business Interview

Year One Insights from ACC's Leader
In January 2023, Rob Palleschi became CEO of American Campus Communities, succeeding co-founder Bill Bayless in this role. Rob spent much of his first year on the road, visiting 107 ACC communities–some of them multiple times–to get an in-depth understanding of the opportunities and challenges at hand.
Student Housing Business magazine recently interviewed Rob to find out what he learned and what his vision is for ACC’s future. The resulting feature shares that public-private partnerships are a top priority for ACC. The company has also created a technology roadmap to prepare for digital transformation, and is investing in its people to ensure the best experience for team members and residents.
Read the interview: Student Housing Business, November/December 2023
“I’ve been so extraordinarily proud of our teams and properties. Every community I’ve gone to see offers amazing service. Our team members know the product, they know and are proud of the properties, and the properties are clean and well maintained,” Rob Palleschi said.